Preparing yarn for tufting using a yarn winder

Preparing Your Workstation: Choose an area with plenty of room and a sturdy table with square edges for proper clamping of the yarn winder. Leave space for your yarn skein​.

Clamping the Yarn Winder: Attach the yarn winder to the table using its clamp. Place a cloth between the clamp and the table to avoid damage, and ensure it’s securely fastened to prevent wobbling​.

Setting Up the Yarn Feeding Arm: Locate the hook at the bottom of the yarn feeding arm and a post on the winder. Wrap the hook around the post, ensuring the arm faces outward. Tighten the arm in place with the butterfly screw. A small rubber piece on the arm helps prevent movement while winding​.

Threading the Yarn: Find the end of the yarn skein and feed it through the top of the yarn feeding arm. Ensure the yarn is threaded properly without obstructing the view if you’re recording the process.​

Securing the Yarn: At the top of the feeding arm, insert the yarn into two slots to hold it securely in place. Leave a tail that is long enough to wrap around but not excessively long​.

Beginning the Winding Process: Start rotating the handle of the yarn winder, usually in a clockwise direction. Keep in mind the capacity of your winder, as some can handle more yarn than others​

Adjusting Tension: As you wind, adjust the tension if you encounter resistance or if the yarn jumps out of place. This is common towards the end of the skein. Letting gravity assist can help maintain even tension.

Final Steps: Slow down as you approach the end of the skein to avoid mishaps. Address any knots or tangles before continuing. When you reach the end, tuck the tail end under the wound yarn to secure it in place​.

Enjoy Your Yarn Cake: Finally, lift the neatly wound yarn cake off the winder. You now have an organized yarn cake ready for storage or immediate use in your crafting projects​